Well Anthony Weiner the now ‘three strikes you’re out’ sexting junkie married but soon not to be- to Huma Abedin – has finally been thrown to the curb.

Seems Huma cannot take it anymore and now the one time member of a radical Islamist Newspaper- has said she is separating from Weiner. I mean whats the big deal? So he shows himself around on his phone? Your boss’s husband has been doing a lot worse for a lot longer but maybe your marriage wasn’t one of simple political advantage but I admit that is hard to believe.

There is a big question that still hasn’t been exposed however.

Did Weiner have special access to Huma and her classified dealings with Hillary Clinton and the State Department? Was Weiner given special access to classified material? Was Weiner exposed to things that he should not have been? We know his smart phone friends certainly were.

I don’t know but for God’s sake Anthony step away from the damn cell phone- nobody needs to see that crap anymore. Geez.

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