I thought to myself, "Here is an extreme left-winger pundit who has the same feelings about what is going on in the Middle East as I do."

The piece was all about what he said at the end of his MSNBC show, Hardball, which had an accompanying audio piece.

I listened to the audio clip and agreed with him on many points. He what Matthews said:

“Let me finish tonight with the news. Like many of you, I live in conflict over this horror for the Mid East. These 21 beheadings of coptic Christians is an ancient horror that’s been carried out before our eyes purposely so. Why else is the indecency so well video taped? So well produced to hit every screen in our state of the art possession. They’re using people other there — the death of people — to demonstrate their devotion, their ruthlessness, their power.

They’re killing people in the most disrespectful way so they can be seen doing it by the people they want to recruit — by the people they want to kill. They want to stir up recruitment by showing their willingness to go all of the way to stir up anger by doing what the hell they decide to do to the people they are committed to destroy: other religions, other countries, other Muslims.

What can we do? Can we do nothing? Can we just look at the pictures, ask what’s for supper? What’s on TV tonight? What’s the weather like tomorrow morning and go on with our lives warding off the knowledge that these people are being killed in demonstration against us. How about this: can we content ourselves by doing something that we know right now will not be enough to stop this horror.

I know, we all know we need a plan. We need a root that takes us to destroyed ISIS, because the alternative is too sick, too un-American, too un-human. We can’t see people killed like this in our face and simply flip to the sports page or the financial news or what’s at the movies or who’s going to win the Oscars and act like America, our country, is not being morally humiliated, because it is, with the lives of at least some of these people, who must, in their last minutes, have to be wondering if there’s any chance the people in the United States could be coming to their rescue because that’s how we were taught that we conduct ourselves. We don’t leave people behind."

Yes, I am conflicted also. What am I conflicted about?

Right now this is mostly a Middle East/Muslim war, I emphasize.

What are we to do if the Muslim countries are not all in to defeat these animals, these extreme Islamic religious zealots?

Why does it always seem to be America’s responsibility to clean up these messes in other countries?

Why should we spend our taxes — and more importantly our peoples' blood — to fight these animals in other countries?

Because their main enemy is us, that is why. They will eventually come full force against us here in America. They have told us so.

No other country has the capability to destroy these animals.

How can we sit back and watch such grand-scale atrocities happening on a regular basis?

How do we let these people suffer so much?

We are the good guys, are we not?

I remember traveling through a former communist country, Romania, a few years after communism fell there. I was told many times from the older generation there that they were waiting for decades for the Americans to come and save them.

I know that we cannot be all places at all times; I know we can solve all the world’s problems, but can we morally sit by and allow these people to be savagely murdered knowing that the group doing the murdering will be coming for us eventually?

What should we do?

Is it our moral responsibility to do something?

If we do not interfere for the people being murdered, what about for the reason of not letting these extreme Islamist grow in numbers and geographically from the land they seize — land that they can use to establish terrorist camps in order to train to come after us?

What are your thoughts?

Should something be done?

Is it time for the big boys to step in and stop this?

Let’s discuss this today on my show the Live with Renk show, which airs Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to noon, to let me know your thoughts at (269) 441-9595.

Or please feel free to start a discussion and write your thoughts in the comment section.

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