An Indiana Rescue Dog Some How Traveled 2,000 Miles Away
An adorable rescue dog was returned home to Evansville after she was found in Los Angeles.
It Takes a Village No-Kill Rescue posted pictures of the adorable pitty along with this message on facebook last week,
Kisska Update-If you missed the first part of Kisska’s story, this gorgeous white pittie was adopted from ITV back in 2013. This month, thanks to a microchip, we received a call from a Los Angeles animal shelter that she had turned up there as a stray. Thankfully our amazing village of supporters came through again! We received hundreds of messages offering help and finally connected with a trucker that was headed our way. Kisska will be here soon, so keep an eye out for our next update! When we rescue a dog, we commit to it for life!
We're not sure how Kisska made from Indiana to California. However, we know how important it is to get your pet microchipped. If not for the microchip this baby wouldn't be home.
A trucker that was heading from LA to Evansville let Kisska hitch a ride and now she's home safe. Check out all of the pictures by clicking here.