Apartment Fire Property Retrieval Schedule Released
The Battle Creek Fire Department will be at the damaged Village Inn Apartments this weekend, to assist some residents in attempting to retrieve items from their units.
This will not be possible for all residents, including those in 80 Riverside, as parts of the complex remain too unsafe for entry.
Parts of 90 and 100 Riverside will be open to residents at the following times:
- Saturday, July 28 – 1-4 p.m.
- Sunday, July 29 – 10 a.m.-noon and 1-3 p.m.
Please bring some form of identification to enter the complex. The property manager and fire marshal will be on site, and the property manager will help identify residents whose IDs are inside their apartments.
Anyone with questions should contact property manager Nicole Rambo, 269-601-2049.
Those who have asked about assisting those neighbors displaced by the fire can make cash donations to the American Red Cross, or donations of clothing and household items to Charitable Union.
The apartment complex will host a pancake breakfast fundraiser at Applebee’s, at Lakeview Square Mall, this Saturday, July 28, from 8-10 a.m. The cost is a $5 donation, with all proceeds to benefit the Village Inn residents. Apartment residents are welcome, and will eat for free.