Arts Council of Kalamazoo Looking for New Mural Artist
If you've taken a casual drive around the Kalamazoo area it would be surprising if you didn't notice at least one of the many murals displayed around town. Now, The Arts Council of Greater Kalamazoo is looking to create another.
On their Facebook page, The Arts Council of Greater Kalamazoo has put out the call for their next mural artist. It's part of the City of Kalamazoo's new EPS Recycling Program. The program will be housed in semi-trailer which is in need of some decoration. That's when you, if you're an interested artist, come in.
They're looking for someone to create a mural for the side and front doors of this semi trailer. You'll have to submit a proposal but if you're selected you'll win:
- $2500
- Paint supplies for the project
Here is the only thing I find confusing. This Facebook post requesting artists was just posted yesterday (April 1st) but the set deadline is for the end of March. Now, I don't know if that's a typo, if submissions were low, or what. But, if you're interested I wouldn't let a silly date hold you back. Contact the Arts Council of Greater Kalamazoo here and submit that proposal here. Hopefully, we'll see your creation on the side of the new EPS Recycling Program semi-trailer!
Murals are abundant in Kalamazoo. In fact, there's a "wall crawl" you can participate in the next time you feel like getting out of the house. You can find details below and keep scrolling for a glimpse at just a few of the included murals.