The Real History Behind Atwater Brewery’s ‘We Drink All We Can Then Sell the Rest’ Slogan
One of Michigan's best known craft breweries is Detroit-based Atwater Brewery. They use the slogan "We drink all we can then sell the rest." It's a slogan that goes back to one of America's most historic beers.
Atwater Brewery, whether they realize it or not, is hearkening back to the first beer legally brewed after Prohibition, Upstate New York-based Utica Club.
Atwater Brewery: We Drink All We Can Then Sell the Rest
Utica Club: We Drink All We Can, The Rest We Sell
Utica Club, or UC or Uncle Charlie, comes from the West End Brewery (now Matt Brewery) in the Central New York city of Utica.
Utica Club used the advertising slogan, "We drink all we can, the rest we sell" beginning in 1965, a line now in the Ad Slogan Hall of Fame. The slogan was crafted by the brewery's advertising agency Doyle Dane Bernbach, a fore-runner to today's DDB Worldwide, a global marketing firm.
While Utica Club is still produced today, the brewery now is better known today for their Saranac line of beer.