Audio of Renk’s interview with Dr. Stotsky Common Core Validation Committee Memeber
The following YouTube video is the audio of my interview with Dr. Sandra Stotsky, member of the United States Common Core Validation Committee which aired Wednesday May 18, 2016.
Dr Stotsky was an original member of the United States Common Core Validation Committee. We discussed her experiences with the committee and her thoughts about the Common Core standards and how they were developed and implemented. You will be surprised at some of her answers.
Dr Stotsky was a senior associate commissioner in the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education from 1999-2003, where she was in charge of the development or revision of the state’s K-12 standards in all major subjects (including English language arts, mathematics, science and technology, and history/social science), licensing regulations for teachers and administrators, teacher licensure tests, and professional development criteria. In addition. She reviewed all states’ English language arts standards for the Thomas B. Fordham Institute in 1997, 2000, and 2005. Dr, Stotsky served on Common Core’s Validation Committee in 2009-2010.
For more information about Dr. Stotsky and her thoughts on common core please visit her website at the University of Arkansas.
For information concerning Common Core in Michigan please go to
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