I've never been good at filling these things out, but here it goes. I like long walks in cold mountain air, preferably with snow on the ground. I enjoy drinking fine soda by the crackling fire, and deep tissue massage. I hope to one day grow up an become and astronaut, so I can fly to Venus to see if that's really where women come from. If it's true, I'll bring one back for you, too. Unless it's a dude you want, and then you're out of luck...sorry. My favorite month is October, because Halloween is the best holiday ever! It allows me to openly proclaim my love and obsession with scary movies without being seen as some sort of lunatic. Okay, not too much of a lunatic. I'm a huge fan of rock and metal music, and you'll often hear me blasting the control room speakers into oblivion every night during my show. My engineer doesn't like me very much, since he has to fix them. Sorry, Mike.
Johnnie Walker

‘It Follows’ – Michigan Horror Movies for Halloween #1
It's my favorite month of the year, because Halloween! Who doesn't love Halloween? It's the most fun, not only because of Trick or Treating and candy, but because the movies for Halloween are the best! There are a lot of scary movies to watch, and I've found a bunch either made in Michigan, or set in this state. First up: It Follows.