Battle Creek Man to Face Long Sentence for Fake Heroin
A former Battle Creek man could be sent to jail for 20 years after he was arrested recently in Coldwater.
The Daily Reporter in Coldwater reports that 30-year-old Donta Scott was nabbed after selling fentanyl to a confidential police informant in February. Coldwater Police say that Scott had sold the informant what was supposed to be heroin. Lab results from the Michigan State Police lab found that the drug was actually fentanyl, a drug that can be passed off as heroin and has been a part of several heroin-related overdoses.
Scott was expected to come off of parole May 15th from a 2016 charge of maintaining a drug house in Branch County. He also has prior arrest from 2007 for manufacturing and deliver of narcotics in Jackson County when he was just 19.
If found guilty, he faces a 20-year sentence due to being a habitual offender.
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