Best Servers In The Kalamazoo Area 2019
The Results are in. Here are the best waiters and waitresses in the Kalamazoo area in 2019.
May, 21st 2019 is National Waitstaff Day. In honor of these hard working men and women we asked for your votes. Last year we received almost 4,000 votes for this poll. This year, just over 6,000. Wow!
To say it was a neck and neck race for the #1 spot would be an understatement with less than half a percent separating the top two people. Another interesting fact: Tone Capers who grabbed the top spot last year was #2 this year.
Here are your Top 5 Servers in the Kalamazoo Area 2019
#5 Liz Huston at Miller's Time Out in Battle Creek with 3.38% of the votes
#4 Whitney French at The Cove in Portage with 4.13% of the votes
#3 Jake DeBault at Rise-N-Dine in Vicksburg with 5.92% of the votes
#2 Tone Capers at Salvinos in Plainwell with 13.18% of the votes
#1 Jodie Ottney at Zeb’s in Texas Corners with 13.61% of the votes
Here are the full results of the poll. Thanks to all who voted.