Calhoun County Offers Two Scrap Tire Collection Events
Now is the time to begin rounding up those scrap tires that may be lurking in your garage. Two scrap tire collections have been announced for Calhoun County residents.
The first event will take place on Monday, June 13th, at 130 East Oak Street in Athens. Tires must be for passenger vehicles, and not commercial. Residents are limited to 10 tires per trip.

The second event will not only let you trash your dreaded worn-out tires, but also electronic items, which have met their end, and scrap metal. This blessing in disguise will be held in Albion on June 30th, at Ketchum Field. At this event, old appliances, televisions, and worn-out electronic items will be accepted.
Listed below are the details of both events, advising eager junk haulers of the do’s and don’ts, to avoid the hassle of banned items:
Scrap Tire Collection
Monday, June 13, 2022
12 to 5 p.m.
Athens Township
130 E. Burr Oak St., Athens, MI
Conditions for participating in scrap tire event:
- Must be Calhoun County resident.
- The tires must be residential. (No business or farm tires)
- Passenger vehicle tires with and without rims will be accepted.
- No tires larger than semi-truck tires will be accepted.
- Events may end early if the trailer is full.
Scrap tire collections are funded through the EGLE Scrap Tire Cleanup Grant. EGLE rules limit the number of scrap tires brought by a resident to 10 scrap tires (this is the number of tires anyone can haul without requiring a scrap tire hauler registration).
Commercial businesses may NOT bring tires to the cleanup event. The event is limited to household and residential scrap tires ONLY. A commercial “farm” or “farm operation” as defined in the Michigan Right to Farm Act is a commercial business.
Residents are encouraged to properly dispose of tires (such as paying the disposal fee when buying new tires), rather than taking the scrap tires home.
Electronics, Scrap Metal, and Scrap Tire Collection
Thursday, June 30
12 to 5:30 p.m.
Ketchum Field
1203 E. North St., Albion, MI
Items accepted:
Electronics – CRT monitors, LCD displays, CPU’s, All-in-Ones, laptops/notebooks/tablets, servers, switches, hubs, UPS systems, hard drives, optical drives, wires and cables, telephones, televisions, DVD players, VCRs, stereos, radios, camcorders, cameras, game systems, cellphones, pagers, PDAs, two-way radios, fax machines, photocopiers, printers, and scanners.
Scrap Metal – Appliances - oven, dishwasher, washer, dryer, and scrap metal (metal: bed frames, fencing, patio furniture, gutters, grills w/o propane tanks, etc.). No items with refrigerant.
Scrap Tires – See Scrap Tire Collection details above.
Old scrap tires, which may have been ditched in the corner of a backyard, are perfect breeding grounds for mosquitoes that could harbor health threats such as the Zika Virus, which has been known to visit Calhoun County. If you happen to peer into a scrap tire, which contains standing water, you may observe little larvae doing a synchronized swim. This is NOT a synchronized swim! These are mosquito larvae in the process of maturing into the blood-sucking devils which we all do our best to avoid.
These two events are a great opportunity to rid your little piece of Heaven on Earth of junk that has lost its usefulness and become an eyesore.