Capri Drive-In Delays Opening Weekend
What seemed to be the only viable movie-going experience in the era of social distancing has been put on hold as the Capri Drive-In will not open as hoped.
As you know, the coronavirus pandemic has hit many sectors of the entertainment industry as major concert tours have been halted, bar and restaurant closings have sidelined local musicians and now, to prevent gatherings of 10 or more people, movie theaters are closing. So, too, is the Capri Drive-In of Coldwater. They shared the news on their Facebook page:
Sorry, everyone. Unfortunately we are NOT going to be open this week as previously announced. We apologize. We'll post more info here as soon as possible.
It seems the Capri is still classified as a "movie theater" under the language of Governor Whitmer's directive for business closings. The Capri has inquired about an exception, but none has been forthcoming yet, making the delay inevitable.
This seems like the perfect time to bring back the drive-in. Drive-in movie theaters were made for self-quarantine as families are cocooned in their own vehicles. (Some couples even count on it.) Social interaction is limited, unless you roll down the window, are in the back of the truck bed or on a lawn chair out in front of the car. Still, the 6-10' bubble is easily maintained.
Here's hoping the Capri Drive-In is able to get an exception and turn on the projector so we have a place to go to see movies outside of our living rooms.
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