Careful – Scammers Are Using COVID-19 To Get Your Money
Local health departments across Michigan are hearing reports of scammers trying to cash in on the virus scare by posing as department caseworkers. Some are asking for information that should be closely held and never revealed to anyone over the phone. Things like social security numbers and bank account data. Health caseworkers never need that information and won’t be asking for it. They’re more interested in what kind of contact people may have had with someone known to have contracted the virus. They may also ask questions about working conditions and the proximity people have with co-workers. They’ll also ask about others who may have been in close contact to see if additional follow-ups need to be handled with other people.
Another scam making the rounds around Michigan is trying to take advantage of your interest or concern in virus issues. Maybe you got one of the emails that claim to originate from the Michigan State Fireman’s Association. Yes, there really is such an organization. But no, the group’s President is not emailing you asking you to buy gift cards to be donated to veterans. The scam goes so far as to use the name of the association President trying to get you to fall into the scam. The real association President says it’s all a hoax and hopes no one falls for it. The emails appear to be originating from Denmark - but look legitimate. Anything you get by regular mail, email, text, or by phone, trying to prompt you to buy or give something connected to the virus should make you extra alert to confirm legitimacy.

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