Chelsea Clinton Speaks in Battle Creek
About 200 Hilary Clinton supporters came out to Battle Creek’s Kool Family Center on Saturday to hear Mrs. Clinton’s daughter speak. Former Congressman Mark Schauer spoke first, telling the audience to ignore the polls, and also to support Democratic State House Candidate Jim Haadsma, who also spoke.
US Senator Debbie Stabenow also addressed the faithful, mostly to disparage Republican Candidate Donald Trump. There was a lot of that at today’s rally. But Chelsea Clinton did choose to talk about programs and actions that her mother would take, and opened the floor for several questions from the audience.
One question was about LGBT issues.
10 year old Desmond Burnham asked about the economy.
Another question was about concerns over escalating hate speech, and yet another about Veteran rights and benefits. Clinton spoke and answered questions for about a half hour. She spoke in Muskegon earlier in the day.
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