Connection and Culture Inspire Origami Sculptures in Battle Creek
Take a virtual stroll through downtown Battle Creek to check out the celebration of culture and connection with Japan.
Whether the weather stays warmer than average or the snow starts to fly, there's no excuse to not check out this amazing exhibit while taking a stroll through beautiful downtown Battle Creek.
The origami sculptures represent an important part of Battle Creek’s decades-long connection with Japan and its sister city, Takasaki. A relationship that began in 1984 as a student exchange program.
The exhibit was funded through a $9,500 grant from the Battle Creek Community Foundation, and $4,000 from the Small Business Development Organization.
The stroll downtown was lovely and I was greeted first by the sculpture below as I made my way downtown to begin.
Residents and visitors can also vote for their favorite sculptures with the favorite becoming a permanent display within the city. Vote for your favorite and read more about the artists and their inspiration for their sculptures by clicking here.
Battle Creek's relationship with Japan has grown since the partnership began in 1984. The city now has the fifth largest Japanese population of Michigan's cities and now hosts multiple Japanese companies within its boundaries.
Scroll down for a virtual stroll but if you have an opportunity to take the stroll in person, I highly recommend it.