Democrats Ask Is It Time to Take The Low Road
I saw a headline in the Detroit Free Press which read “Is it time for Democrats to go low?”
I thought to myself is this supposed to be a news, opinion or a comedic headline.
The author, Detroit Free Press Columnist Nancy Kaffer, made the statement “Maybe it's time to go low”. Maybe it is time to go low, I thought to myself when did you stop going low?
Ms. Kaffer then made the statement “Folks devastated by Trump's win -- on the back of white nationalism”. On the back of white nationalism, you have got to be kidding me, did only white people vote for Trump?
- President Trump received 8% of the black vote
- President Trump received 29% of the Hispanic vote
- President Trump received 29% of the Asian Vote
So please Ms. Kaffer explain to all of us how Donald Trump won the Presidency on the backs of white nationalist.
Also on your point about the Democrats taking the high road can you explain the following:
- Is calling Trump voters white nationalist taking the high road?
- Is calling Trump voters Deplorable and Irredeemable taking the high road?
- Is violently threatening people on the right taking the high road?
- Is telling people if they breath air, drink water, eat food and take medicine they should be afraid of people in the conservative ideology taking the high road?
- Jimmy Carter once said “Republicans are men of narrow vision, who are afraid of the future.” Is that taking the high road?
- Former President Obama once famously said “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.” is that taking the high road?
- Former President Obama once famously said "I don't sit around talking to experts because this is a college seminar. We talk to these folks because they potentially have the best answers, so I know whose ass to kick" is that taking the high road?
So please stop with the Democrats have been taking the high road and maybe NOW we should start taking the low road.
How much lower can you go?
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