Dentists To Governor Whitmer – Our Patients Need Us Today
The Michigan Dental Association is making its case to the Governor’s office to allow dentists to reopen for regular care of patients. In a series of messages on its Twitter feed, the association is essentially pleading for help from the Governor on behalf of not just its nearly 6 thousand dental practitioners, but the millions of state residents who rely on them for preventive care along with handling dental emergencies. Under the Governor’s unilateral virus closing order extension, dental offices must remain closed through the end of the month. Only emergency care is allowed. But the association counters that the health of dental patients is critical and their care should not be blocked. The association is reminding the Governor that dentists know how to maintain health and hygiene in their offices. They’ve been doing it for decades. The association maintains that nothing related to the virus is changing its member's capacity to keep patients and staff safe while performing important daily medical services.

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