Is Dice Road the Most Haunted Place in Michigan? Legends Say Yes
As we approach Halloween it feels all-too appropriate to talk about local spooks and hauntings. With that being said, do you know the legend of Dice Road? It's apparently one of Michigan's most haunted places.
Recently, Dice Road has been spoken of in groups like the public Facebook group, Abandoned Old, and Interesting Places in Michigan, where a woman named Jennifer Gifford shared photos of her visit to Dice Road Cemetary. You can see those photos here.
However, in the past, this haunted road has been featured on the Travel Channel's show, Hauntings in the Heartland which was hosted by Michigander, Steve Shippy. In fact, the very first episode covers the tales from a local farmhouse on Dice Road that apparently experienced objects levitating and items spontaneously combusting. Read more here.
Shippy also covered the hauntings on Dice Road in his series Haunted Saginaw as well as an Amazon documentary, A Haunting on Dice Road: Hell House. It's free to watch from Prime members and $2.99 to rent for non-Prime members.
Let's take a look at some of the major stories surrounding this, apparently, very haunted road in Michigan.
The Pomeraning House
According to multiple sources, this may be one of the most well-documented paranormal cases in our history. Which, makes it even more surprising that so many people have never heard of it.
A website called ourmidland.com recently shared the story being the Pomeraning House. It was owned by a man named Harold Pomeraning who began experiencing unexplained pounding sounds both in and outside his homes as well as seemingly random fires.

It got to the point where police became involved. Despite multiple visits to the home, there was no physical evidence explaining why Harold would be having the experiences he was having. And the mystery still remains today.
The home passed to Dave and Louann Larsen forty years ago. As far as their own experiences, they've heard an unplugged radio make sounds and some objects mysteriously moving. No fires, though. Thank goodness. Read more here.
The Dice Road Cemetary and Michigan's Oldest Ghost
Adding to the spooky vibes, a cemetery sits on Dice Road that is said to be home to Michigan's oldest ghost.
The story of Anna Rhodes dates back to the early 1800s when she was forced to travel to America to live with an aunt after her father, tragically, went insane and set fire to the family home. That's how the legend goes according to puresaginaw.com.
Anna's tale, unfortunately, doesn't get much brighter.
*trigger warning for assault and suicide*
As she approached the age of 18 she fell in love and married a sailor named Jonathan Millerton. Millerton was called to set sail on the Great Lakes leaving Anna behind with the promise of a quick return. Sadly, her aunt soon passed away and Anna found herself alone with a male childhood friend who proceeded to assault her out of jealously of her relationship with Millerton.
It's said that a great storm came across the region that summer. When her love failed to return immediately she, fearing the worst, took her own life.
It's a real punch in the gut to learn that Jonathan Millerton did, in fact, return after Anna had passed away. He had simply been delayed at other ports around the lakes.
With this kind of tragic history, it's no wonder people say Anna still haunts Dice Road Cemetery.
If you hate reading, this Tiktok video does a pretty good job of summing up Anna's story:
Aside from those two documented stories, there have been rumors of witchcraft, curses, and the like all centered around Dice Road. Although, those were a bit more difficult to confirm.
So, what do you think? Is there some dark energy hovering over this rural street in between Saginaw and Merill Michigan?
Stories of hauntings seem to be prevalent in Michigan. Of course, if you're interested in the paranormal, visiting all of those haunted sites can be challenging. However, you can take a virtual tour of 50 Haunted Spots in Michigan below:
With Halloween approaching, you may be looking for something not-so-scary for the kids. There are plenty of Trunk or Treat events happening in Kalamazoo:
All The 2021 Kalamazoo Area Halloween Trunk or Treat Events
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