Does Automatic Voter Registration Lead To Illegal Voting; Yes
Many intelligent people have been concerned about automatic voter registration while applying for a driver's license or state identification. Well, those intelligent people were exactly right to be concerned.
The Washington Free Beacon informs us of The Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF), a Foundation that focuses on election integrity law. PILF found that the State of Illinois has admitted that a minimum of 574 non-citizens was added to their voter rolls and at a minimum 19 of them actually cast votes in the 2018 election.
The Public Interest Legal Foundation has since requested records from the Illinois State Board of Election to determine the extent of the state's criminal behavior.
We only know of these 574 people due to the fact that they “self-identified and more could potentially remain on the voter rolls. The state found 19 who cast ballots in 2018, but the total number of illegal votes remains unknown.”
Automatic voter registration has been implemented in 18 other states and the District of Columbia, one of those states is Michigan.
Logan Churchwell, communications director at PILF stated:
States have no business experimenting with automatic voter registration until they can zero out the risk of ineligible noncitizens passing through traditional Motor Voter...The Foundation fully expects there are more foreign nationals still registered to vote in Illinois—and some of them voted in 2018...We just don't know who they are yet since they haven't felt the need to self-report—but their time will come.
Mr. Churchwell went on to say that:
States like Virginia, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Michigan, California, Georgia, Florida, and more have demonstrated how foreign nationals can and do enter voter registries through the Motor Voter process, regardless of automation.
Yes, Michigan! The PILF found the following in regards to Michigan:
Motor Voter Mayhem: Michigan’s Voter Rolls in Disrepair
Posted on October 22nd, 2018
Michigan, like other states and jurisdictions studied before, demonstrates how noncitizens become registered to vote through DMV transactions and others like it required by the National Voter Registration Act (aka Motor Voter). The State does not have a verification system keeping false claims of citizenship (intentionally given or otherwise) from being accepted during voter registration. Immigrants and citizens alike continue to suffer the consequences. Several Michigan jurisdictions also exhibited alarming problems with other voter roll maintenance obligations like duplications and potentially deceased registrants remaining on the rolls for years on end.
Read Motor Voter Mayhem here.
Noncitizen Data Findings Summary
Detroit: 822
Sterling Heights: 164
Warren: 85
Dearborn: 84
Westland: 71
Clinton Township: 48
Canton Township: 37
Taylor: 36
Ann Arbor: 31
Livonia: 23
St. Clair Shores: 22
Others: 21
1,444 Disclosed Noncitizen Removals
Duplicated Active Registrations
Detroit: 1,748
Flint: 358
Livonia: 57
Grand Rapids: 54
Dearborn: 47
2,264 Total
Registrants Aged 105+
Detroit: 1,244 (20 from the 1800s)
Flint: 202 (50 from the 1800s)
Livonia: 35
Dearborn: 31
Grand Rapids: 2
You may think some of these numbers are small but in some local elections, people are elected with differences of as little as one vote.
It appears time to stop all automatic voter registration throughout the country and as being a citizen for Michigan I hope we will lead the nation in the effort and be the first state to end this reckless behavior.
Will Michigan’s Governor Whitmer and our Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson stand up for the citizens of Michigan and protect our vote. Remember every illegal vote cancels out your legal vote.
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