Dog Stranded Over Night On Ice In Muskegon Lake Is Rescued
Good Samaritans saved a dog they found floating on ice over night in Muskegon.
I can't imagine one of my dogs spending the night cold, scared and stranded floating on a piece of ice. Jeff Wever and his tugboat crew felt the same way and jumped into action according to Woodtv.com,
Wever along with a crew of mariners who work on the Barbara Andrie tugboat happened to be out on the water. They were finishing up an 18-hour shift when they say they spotted the dog on a thin sheet of ice. “He was pretty far out, so it was kind of a surprise to me … all alone at night, scared, freezing,” deckhand Craig Benedetti said.
Randy Whipple praised the heros Captain Dave Wellington, Captain Matt Babbitt, Chief Engineer Danny Kuiper, asst. engineer Tyler Gagnon, deckhand Craig Benedetti and deckhand Jeff Wever in a facebook post Tuesday. If you can't see it below click here.
It took the crew half an hour to get the dog safely off the ice. Max even fell off the ice at one point but somehow recovered quickly. Amazing story! I'm happy to report that this adorable 1-year-old is back with his family.

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