EEE Strikes Calhoun County Horse – First Of The Season
A horse in Marshall is verified as the first animal in Calhoun County this season as having contracted the deadly Eastern Equine Encephalitis. This report comes as the state had planes in the air over a number of areas in lower Michigan overnight spraying to control mosquitos that carry the virus. There was a chance sections of Barry and Jackson counties got sprayed overnight but the state is unable to verify treated areas until midafternoon each day. The state says the chemical treatment is not dangerous, but people with ornamental ponds are recommended to cover them.
A Barry County man continues a long recovery after being diagnosed as the state’s first human case of Triple E. Last year 10 Michigan residents were confirmed to have contracted the virus, leading to the deaths of 6. Typically the virus kills about one-third of the people who are hit by it.
Horse owners are under a constant warning from state health administrators to get the horses vaccinated against EEE. There is no vaccine against the virus for humans.

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