Efforts To Help Kalamazoo Family Who Lost Pets & Home In Fire
A Kalamazoo family lost nearly everything in a fire last week including two family pets along with their home.
Bob, Tammy and their son Will lost their home in a fire on Thursday, January 23rd in Kalamazoo, MI. They lived on 27th Street. Despite efforts to save their family pets, both perished in the blaze. They lost everything they own. And while they do have insurance that will eventually put them back into their home, efforts to meet their immediate needs are underway.
Their insurance company is putting them up in a motel for 2 weeks. Once the 2 weeks have passed they will stay with a family member. Rebuilding their home will likely take many months.
This family was already going through their share before the fire. Bob was notified just before Christmas that his plant is closing in May. He is hoping to stay working up until then but there are no guarantees. Recently the transmission went out in his vehicle, leaving them down to one vehicle. Tammy works at a local hospital but also has to take their son Will to Mott's Children's Hospital twice a month.
Here's what you can do to help. Click here to make monetary donations or to make arrangments to donate clothing or other goods.
Some of the things that are needed are clothing, toiletries, food and money (some of which will hopefully get their 2nd vehicle in good working order).

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