An Update on Elvis Living in Kalamazoo- Thank You Very Much
An intrepid YouTube reporter follows up on his speculation that Elvis Presley faked his own death in 1977 and is presently living in Kalamazoo.
Stop eating animals is the username of a YouTube user in Kalamazoo who proposed that the King of Rock & Roll was alive and well and living in the Mall City. His original report was uploaded on November 27, and the follow-up came a little more than a week later.
Claiming he's "done some more digging around," animals tells us about going to bars and asking around for John Burrows- an alias he claims Elvis Presley used when he didn't want to be known. At first, "people didn't want to talk about it" but then he met an older gentleman who knew a "Johnny" that would come in to the supermarket across the street from the Burger King.
Hear more about the armed security guards, black sedans and the man who loved peanut butter and banana sandwiches in the video below.
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