Emmett Twp May Make A Woman Pay For Calling 911
If you call 911 and it's a fake emergency, you may have to pay.
Calling 911 is not something to do if it is not an emergency, and you certainly don't do it as fake emergency.
Recently a woman contacted 911 after her mother called her and stated "Help me I am stuck on a tree and I can't get out ". 'The woman claiming to be in distress on the Kalamazoo River was just trying to upset her daughter, after a spat the two had. Lt. Tony Geigle told the Detroit Free Press on Monday that...
The Emmett Township police have estimated they spent as much as $3,000 searching for a woman who called her daughter at 10:41 p.m. July 27 and said she was lost on the Kalamazoo River and stuck on a tree. Officers began searching both on the river bank and from a boat until they found the woman near Paddlers Grove on South River Road near Beadle Lake Road. They learned she made the hoax call to her daughter because they were having an argument.
When police arrived on the river, the woman claiming to be in distress hid on the bank, but was quickly discovered by the cops. A conversation did take place between the woman and an officer, but this mess may not be over. Police are considering posing a fine on the woman for a false police report and that could cost her thousands. The money would recoup the cost of the man power and time spent reacting to the distress call to 911.
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