FireKeepers Casino Hotel Contributes $4.9 Million Locally For 2020
FireKeepers Casino Hotel announced their latest contribution to the State of Michigan and Local Revenue Sharing Board. The state will receive $10.7 million and the Local Revenue Sharing Board will receive $4.9-million. The payment is a result of the 2020 operations.
The large payment is surprising, taking into account the 12-week closure due to Covid-19 restrictions. This brings the total contribution, since opening twelve years ago, to over $233 million. The twelve-year total, locally, is $59.7.

The Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi, owners of the FireKeepers Casino Hotel, made their first contribution to the FireKeepers Local Revenue Sharing Board in 2010, following their first year of operation. The $59,736,566 collected, since then, has benefited a number of Calhoun County groups, including:
- Harper Creek Community Schools
- Calhoun County Road Commission
- Emmett Township
- Calhoun County
- Calhoun Intermediate School District
- Kellogg Community College
- Willard Library
- Athens Township
- Marshall Township
- City of Marshall
- City of Battle Creek
- Athens Area Schools
- Village of Athens
- Battle Creek Public Schools
- Marshall Public Schools
- Lakeview School District
- Pennfield Schools
FireKeepers is also one of the major employers in the area, with a staff of 1,802 employees. Recently, FireKeepers was recognized by Forbes as one of the Best Mid-Sized Employers and a Best-In-State Employer.
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