Does This Galesburg Mexican Restaurant Have The Hottest Hot Sauce Around?
On the hunt for a new place to grab some Mexican cuisine in the area I ran into a Facebook post made by my friend Tony, who comes across as pretty reputable. He turned me onto a place I haven't been to before just because of a post he made about their sauce. In the post, e exclaimed: "Dare you to f--- with Valentina's in Galesburg's hot sauce... f------ dare ya." He went on to further explain to a friend, "I’ve never had a habanero sauce this hot. It just looks like crushed red pepper and oil... but trust me there’s something else in there."
Now, this is not to be confused with the Valentina's brand of hot sauce. That's a tasty hot sauce for sure. But I'm genuinely interested now just how hot this sauce is. Have you ever tried it? Was it as hot as Tony says it is? Looks like I'm gonna HAVE to get some tacos and find out.

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