Gov. Whitmer Vetoes Michigan Businesses Relief And Funds To Help Some Children
Yesterday Governor Whitmer did not sign the $4.2 billion dollar Covid relief bill but she did sign portions of it and line-item vetoed the rest. The Detroit News is reporting that Whitmer signed approximately $2.5 billion in supplemental federal funding into law yesterday but vetoed one of the spending bills that barred her from closing in-person learning or canceling high school sports and leaving that decision up to the local health departments.
Apparently, Governor Whitmer does not have faith in Michigan’s local health departments and feels they are not staffed with competent people.
What actually surprised me was the other items she vetoed. Whitmer’s executive orders have destroyed some businesses and devastated others. Yet when she had the chance to help them she must have been thinking let them eat cake and line-item vetoed federal funds the state legislature wanted to help small businesses out in their time of need and it did not stop there.
She issued four line-item vetoes within the supplemental budget bills. Those vetoes included:
- $405 million in business tax relief
- $87 million for private schools
- $150 million into the state unemployment compensation fund
- and $10 million to aid parents who enroll their kids in summer school
She said part of the reason she vetoed them was due to her understanding that they weren't negotiated by Republican legislative leaders and her team. In a statement she said:
"The bills I received were not negotiated with me or my administration, and I continue to call on the legislature to ensure that we work together to ensure we maximize every penny that is available”
The person who refuses to work with the legislature when it comes to her total control over the state via the MDHHS now is whining about them not working with her, priceless.
Can you believe she vetoed helping businesses and children, what next will she be sending Covid-19 infected elderly people back to their nursing homes to infect other elderly people?
Republican State Representative Thomas Albert, chairman for the House Appropriations Committee said Whitmer:
"doesn't care about you or if your livelihood survives the pandemic...If she cared about anything other than preserving her own self-declared power, she would not have vetoed so much of the Legislature’s $4.2 billion relief plan”
Amen brother Albert amen!
Republican Senator Jim Stamas added that Governor Whitmer chose "her absolute power" over money for schools and businesses.
It certainly appears so Senator Stamas.
When will Governor Whitmer start to care about the businesses and children of this state and start following the science and helping them out?
Your guess is as good as mine.