Grand Valley State, Eastern Michigan And Anti-Semites?
Two Universities in the same state, two different acceptances when it comes to Anti-Semites. One will not accept even the smallest of a whiff of anti-Semitism the other embraces an anti-Semite.
According to the Detroit News, Grand Valley State suspended their new offensive coordinator, Morris Berger, because he said that he would have dinner with Adolf Hitler because his leadership was "second to none." Now before you come to an opinion you need to hear the entire story and the context.
The sports editor of the school's newspaper The Grand Valley Lanthorn interviewed Mr. Berger in a question and answer format. In that interview he asked the following question:
So you graduated from Drury with a degree in History, you’re a history guy. If you could have dinner with three historical figures, living or dead, who would they be? And I’m ruling out football figures.
Mr. Berger answered in the following manner:
This is probably not going to get a good review, but I’m going to say Adolf Hitler. It was obviously very sad and he had bad motives, but the way he was able to lead was second-to-none. How he rallied a group and a following, I want to know how he did that. Bad intentions of course, but you can’t deny he wasn’t a great leader.
If you really think about it Mr. Berger was a history major and Adolf Hitler certainly was able to convince enough people in an entire country to commit the worst heinous acts in history. From the perspective of a history major and leadership would you not want to know how Hitler did what he did from the evil person’s perspective?
Should anyone who wants to study Hitler be considered an anti-Semite?
The interviewer then said:
The way he was able to get people to rally around him was crazy.
Mr. Berger answered in the following manner:
Yeah, that’s definitely one. You have to go JFK, his experience with the country and being that he was a good president and everything. And this might sound crazy, but Christopher Columbus, the ability to go on the journey he was on and his emotion into the unknown. Think about putting yourself in the setting of that unknown, and then to take it all in as you arrive is crazy.
As I stated above Mr. Berger was suspended while the university conducts a "thorough investigation," according to a statement from the school.
Now let us move southeast of Grand Valley State to Eastern Michigan University (EMU) and their embracing of an extreme anti-Semite.
Mlive is reporting that Eastern Michigan University will be holding its second Black Leadership Summit this Saturday, Feb. 1. The keynote speaker will be BET (Black Entertainment Network) News host Marc Lamont Hill.
All you need to know about Mr. Hill is that he a former political contributor for CNN. He is a “former” contributor to CNN because he was fired for the extreme anti-Semitic statements he has made through the years. Do you realize how bad you have to be for CNN to fire you considering that you a very liberal professor from a very liberal University and a person of color?
But that appears to not bother EMU at all, in fact, they are embracing this extreme anti-Semitic Jew Hater.
What was the final straw for CNN, well as The Hill new site reported “Professor” Marc Lamont Hill gave a speech at the United Nations when as The Hill stated he was:
urging other countries to boycott Israel in pursuit of a "free Palestine from the river to the sea...We have an opportunity to not just offer solidarity in words but to commit to political action, grass-roots action, local action and international action that will give us what justice requires and that is a free Palestine from the river to the sea
Here is the problem; the phrase "From the river to the sea" is a phrase that all anti-Semitic haters know calls for the destruction of the entire country of Israel. In fact, the terrorist group Hamas uses that exact phrase.
If that is not enough, a publication called The Daily Wire wrote the following:
In May 2018, Hill implied Israelis were murderers in the Huffington Post, writing of the Palestinians, “This is about the 70-year struggle of a people who have been expelled, murdered, robbed, imprisoned and occupied.” He defended Palestinians’ right to use violence against Israel but claimed Palestinians truly wanted peace, adding, “Occupied people have a legal and moral right to defend themselves. To ask them not to resist is to ask them to die quietly. Palestinians want peace.” Hill continued by slamming Israel’s very right to exist: “By naturalizing the idea that nation-states have a ‘right to exist,’ we undermine our ability to offer a moral critique of Israel’s (or any settler-colony’s) origin story.” He continued with an outright lie, ignoring the fact that the Jewish state existed three thousand years ago, writing: “… the idea of nations and nationalism is relatively new.
There are plenty more examples but I will stop here. To think that Eastern Michigan University does not only embrace this racist/bigot/anti-Semite but they are doing so enthusiastically.
That is all you need to know of what is going on in many college and university campuses across our great nation.
God help us!