Gull Lake Science Teacher Belittles Students And Others Not Wearing Masks Appropriately Or Not At All
I have been sent a picture from a number of parents whose children attend Gull Lake High School. The picture was taken in the classroom of Anne Flynn. I am told Anne is a science teacher, from the picture I wonder how much science does she really know and understand.
The following is that picture taken in Anne’s classroom:
In her academic mind, The Four Covid Personality Types are
- Believes in science
- Denies science
- Doesn’t understand science
- Believes in magic
Does that sound like a “science” teacher or a far-left political politician or pundit to you?
Someone should ask this “science” teacher what science is she pointing to? I will point her to Dr. Michael Osterholm, University of Minnesota Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy Director and Top Covid-19 adviser to Biden. Would she believe he might know a little bit more science than herself? Dr. Osterholm said during a CNN interview that cloth or paper masks don't work to stop the spread of the Covid-19 virus. Dr. Osterholm then stated:
We know today that many of the face cloth coverings that people wear are not very effective in reducing any of the virus movement in or out…We need to talk about better masking. We need to talk about N-95 respirators, which would do a lot for both people who are not yet vaccinated or not previously infected.
Chad Roy, a microbiologist at Tulane University School of Medicine, referring to the virus spreading through the air stated:
Cloth and surgical masks do absolutely nothing for protection from ambient virus...All this song and dance of wearing cloth masks with some presumption that you're being protected from ambient virus is completely and positively 100% counter to how masks and respirators work.
Maybe Ms. Flynn is not up to date on the latest scientific data that has been published. I believe this particular data is decades-old so maybe we should give her a break.
Perhaps Ms. Flynn should:
- Believe in science as Dr. Osterholm has studied his entire professional life
- Stop denying Dr. Osterholm’s real science
- Study the science that she obviously doesn’t understand
- Stop believing in science and not the magic she appears to be following
I reached out to the Principal of Gull Lake High School, Don Eastman, and asked about this very divisive picture. He responded with the following:
It has been taken down and will not be used again
I have been informing all of my listeners to be very aware of who is actually teaching your children and what they are teaching them.