The Shadow Town of Hawkins: Newaygo County, Michigan
If you try searching for the village of Hawkins in Newaygo County’s Barton Township, there’s a good chance you won’t find it. However, if you search for the intersection in which the Hawkins downtown area once was, search for N. Cottonwood Avenue at E. 17 Mile Road.
Hawkins was established as a post office on November 13, 1889. The first postmaster was storekeeper George D. Hawkings, for whom the village was named after.
Hawkins had a few stores & shops in this area, that didn’t last very long. When the post office closed on September 14, 1903, that was the downfall of Hawkins.
Currently, Hawkins has a family park and the ‘Last Chance’ saloon. There are some homes scattered in the area, the community is peaceful and secluded, but downsized from what it once was.
It’s one of Michigan’s ‘Shadow Towns’ that merits a drive-thru on your roadtrip.