We have unconfirmed reports that the horses are all safe and back where they belong.


A Calhoun County resident came upon a rare traffic incident Friday morning. Tracy Treece Patton of Albion came upon three horses running right in the middle of the road on "B" Drive North in Marengo Township at around 7:45 am.

She said she contacted authorities to alert them of the situation. Meanwhile, she continued to follow the horses at a safe distance for about a quarter of a mile from about 22 Mile Road to Samantha Lane. Tracy says that's when the horses ran off into a field and disappeared. She was able to take a photo and post it on Facebook and hopes that someone can identify the escaped horses. Two of them are brown and one is white.

Here is a map of where Tracy spotted the horses:

Google Satellite Image
Google Satellite Image


If you happened to also see the horses running loose this morning in this area of Calhoun County or if you are missing three horses this morning, contact Calhoun County authorities.

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