How Did Michigan Democrat Senate Minority Leader Contract COVID-19?
I have to believe that Michigan Senate Minority Leader Jim Ananich, D-Flint, is doing everything that his Parties leader Whitmer is demanding he does. That being said how could he have tested positive for Covid-19?
The Detroit News is reporting that Ananich has tested positive for COVID. He tweeted on Friday:
"I am feeling OK and am currently recovering at home...I haven’t been at the Senate since exposure and I’m following my doctor’s advice and all MDHHS (Michigan Department of Health and Human Services) protocols. Thank you for your well wishes."
How is it that Ananich and many more people are doing everything that Whitmer is demanding via force of law yet that state is reporting a large spike in case?
What is Whitmer not doing to protect the people of Michigan?
Why is Whitmer failing the people of Michigan, is this a failure of leadership?
She and other Democrat Governor first begged President Trump for help, wasted a ton of our taxpayer cash and then told President Trump to stay out of the business of Michigan and their perspective states.
That means all of these people testing positive and dying are on the shoulders of Whitmer. Is that not what Whitmer and the liberals say about President Trump, well isn't turnaround fair play. Although I do not want to do this too often since it makes me look as dumb as a box of rocks. How do these Democrats do this every day and are not ashamed at how dumb they look?
This piece is not to point out that Ananich has tested positive. I would not do what I saw other people publishing pieces making fun of people who did not wear a mask and did catch COVID-19.
By the way, can anyone explain how I now know two couples in which one had tested positive for COVID and no one else in their home has? In fact, these couples are still sleeping in the same bed.