If A Person Is Given Money From A Government Depending On Their Color Is That Racism, Bigotry Or Both?
One definition of racism is:
“Discrimination or prejudice based on race”
If a private company in the United States were to serve a person because of the color of their skin and deny another person service because of the color of their skin would the United States Federal Government allow that to happen?

I believe the very easy answer is NO!
Remember the baker who denied the request of a gay couple in Colorado to design a cake for their wedding? Back in 2012 a gay couple walked into his bakery and asked him to bake a cake for a reception to celebrate their wedding. According to NBC News he said, "I'm sorry, guys, I can't do that."
Like any couple would do instead of finding a baker who would design them a cake this gay couple of coursed sued the baker.
What happened next? According to NBC News the following:
"After the couple filed a formal complaint, Colorado courts ruled that the state's public accommodation law, which bans discrimination by companies offering their services to the public, did not allow Phillips to refuse the gay couple's request. A reasonable person would assume that the cake expressed the message of the couple, not the baker, the courts said."
This case went all the way to the United States Supreme Court and they decided that the Colorado courts do not understand the law and voted 7-2 against the Colorado courts. Here is the problem, the two Liberal justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor voted with the Colorado courts. That tells me they do believe that you cannot deny someone goods or services based on race, sex or who they prefer to sleep with.
So ask yourself why are Joe Biden and the Democrat Party offering to give taxpayer dollars to Black, Hispanic, Asian or Native American farmers' that they do not have to pay back but white farmers must payback?
According to the American Farm Bureau Federation, the Democrat's $1.9 trillion dollar coronavirus relief package includes an estimated $4 billion taxpayer dollars to pay up to 120% of debt relief of only Black, Hispanic, Asian or Native American farmers' outstanding debt as of Jan. 1, 2021. White farmers are not allowed a single penny of those dollars because of their skin color.
You read that correctly.
I have a couple of questions:
- If that is not racism or bigotry what is?
- What does that have to do with the Coronavirus, because we are told this bill only dealt with the Coronavirus issue?
- Why did you not stop at 100% instead you want to give them 120% of their debt?
- If a White farmer self-identifies as a Black, Asian or Native American farmer can they also have all their debt paid off by the taxpayer and not have to pay it back?
This relief package also gives approximately $1 billion taxpayer dollars for something called equity commissions, along with “agricultural training, improved land access and other assistance to advance racial justice in farming”.
I have a couple more questions:
- What is an equity commission, how does that relate to farming and what are their tasks?
- What does an equity commission have to do with the Coronavirus, because we are told this bill only dealt with the Coronavirus issue?
- What does agricultural training, improved land access and other assistance to advance racial justice in farming have to do with the Coronavirus, because we are told this bill only dealt with the Coronavirus issue?
- If a White farmer self-identifies as a farmer of color with they be spared the scorn of these equity commissions, the elected Democrat politicians, the Democrat voter, the mainstream manipulative news, Hollywood, academia, sports figures will rain down on the White farmer because they are White?
I am just a simple man with simple questions. Perhaps all of this is just way over my head and I just do not get it. Perhaps we who use our brains, common sense and critical thinking skills are just simpletons.
Or perhaps it is the other way around.
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