Is It Time In Michigan To Ban All Sports Mascots?
Will we eventually stop the banning of certain sports mascots or is it time in Michigan that we just ban all school's mascots? Someone will always be offended by someone’s mascot. Look what the Washington Redskins were forced to do. They not only got rid of their mascot but they have yet to replace that mascot. They are now only the Washington Football team. Perhaps all of us around the country should learn from that.
MLive is reporting their concern that there still are “K-12 districts continue to use questionable monikers like warriors, chiefs and braves”. They inform us that 41 Michigan schools still use Native American imagery and terms that offend someone.

- 3 schools still use the term Redskin (We are told this is the most offensive)
- 10 schools call themselves Warriors
- 8 schools use the name Indians
- 8 schools use the names Chiefs or Chieftains
- 6 schools “refer to themselves as a variation of Redmen or Big/Little Reds”
- 2 schools use the name the Braves
- 2 schools use either Eskymos or Eskimos
- 1 school uses the name Raiders
- 1 school uses the name Chippewas
The tribal president of the Keweenaw Bay Indian community in Baraja, Warren C. Swartz Jr. stated:
“I’ve seen racially insensitive nicknames and logos that alienates, discriminates, and mocks our Native American population…The names Redmen, Redskins, Eskymos and other derogatory monikers creates a toxic environment for students, divides communities, and prevents schools from evolving into institutions that respectfully serve all members of their communities.”
I understand how some people would be offended by some of these mascots. I also know from my years of life and experience doing what I do that someone will always be offended by something.
I know people that are offended by Michigan State using the Spartan as a mascot, time to get rid of that mascot.
I know people that are offended by Michigan’s use of a Wolverine as a mascot, time to get rid of that mascot.
I know people that are offended by Western Michigan’s use of a horse as a mascot, time to get rid of that mascot.
I know people that are offended by Eastern Michigan’s use of an Eagle as a mascot, time to get rid of that mascot.
I know people that are offended by Central Michigan’s use of the Chippewas Tribe as a mascot, time to get rid of that mascot.
I know people that are offended by Ferris State’s use of the Bulldog as a mascot, time to get rid of that mascot.
I know people offended by Grand Valley States’ use of Louie the Laker as their mascot. Apparently, they do not like that he has an oversized jaw and is always scowling, time to get rid of that mascot.
I know people that are offended by Wayne State’s use of the Wildcat as a mascot, time to get rid of that mascot.
I also know many more people who are offended by casinos. Time to get rid of all casinos. I have a question for our great American Indian tribes. Why would you want the reputation of our great American Indian to be shown as a casino with people losing their money, some losing their entire savings, and rivers of alcohol running through them filled with smoke that is not coming from peace pipes?
It appears it may be time to ban all mascots. The Michigan and Michigan State Football Team sounds just fine, right?
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