Sometimes life gets the best of us, and we have to find ways to keep our heads level. Most of us go for a long drive, talk with a trusted friend or counselor, or even work out or play sports. Those are all healthy ways to relieve stress but if we're all being honest, we tend to dip into the unhealthy ways as well.

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We all cope with the rough days, trauma, and emotions differently, but one of the common ways is going out for a drink and letting it all go. We have seen the story a million times over, someone has a long day or has been going through a lot at home and they spend a couple hours at the bar drinking a few beers, thinking about how to fix things.

Sometimes, getting a couple of drinks can be helpful for your situation and can even help relieve some stress. It may even be able to uplift your spirits and put a nice ending on what was otherwise a crappy day. Many people have expressed feeling uptight around election time and even after the results, so getting a drink may be on their mind.

Kalamazoo has plenty of places to go and sit for a drink that will not only provide you an amazing cocktail or beer but will create a wonderful atmosphere as well. Most of us are looking for a drink to take the edge off but you also need the calm setting to accompany that drink to really get yourself in the mood.

Below are 10 of the best bars in Kalamazoo to get a stiff drink:

10 Best Bars To Get A Stiff Drink In Kalamazoo

Ten bars in Kalamazoo that are great to sit down and enjoy the environment while also being served a great cocktail that can help take the edge off.

Gallery Credit: Canva