Michigan Man Arrested In Connection To Multiple Break-ins
One of the biggest fears for most people is someone breaking into their home whether they're there or not. I think the fear grows stronger if themselves or members of their family are home during the incident but it's scary either way. Break-ins, home invasions, robberies, or whatever other name you'd like to call them happen far too often.

I would like to say that all home invaders are caught and reprimanded after their first incident but often times that is not the case. Some of them are able to successfully rob multiple homes before they are caught others are caught and then when released they go back to breaking into homes.
The latest robbery arrested in Michigan is supposedly connected to multiple break-ins. A Michigan man was arrested for his role in multiple home invasions in the Southwest Michigan region. The man is alleged to be involved in several robberies in both Kalamazoo and Van Buren Counties.
They were able to identify and capture the 40-year-old man after surveillance camera footage records him breaking into a Decatur Township residence on Wednesday, January 29th. The police would share pictures of his vehicle on social media and were given a tip on his whereabouts on January 30th.
They would set up to perform a traffic stop once the vehicle left its location but upon doing so, the suspect fled on foot and was handcuffed while trying to enter a pole barn on WP Avenue. After obtaining a search warrant and carrying it out, the authorities found stolen property from several storage unit break-ins throughout Van Buren and Kalamazoo counties, as well as property from an unreported break-in in Porter Township.
As they continue to conduct searches on his residence and valuables, gather information, and conduct their investigation, police have been able to connect the suspect to other break-ins and are expected to add drug possession and resisting arrest to his list of charges.