Michigan is a very unique state for many reasons. This is one of the only states you can point out on a globe, we have the Great Lakes, and the list goes on and on. Like many states, Michigan has its quirks and it's these quirks that for locals, are just part of everyday life.


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However, these subtleties are also what can easily cause you to pick out a transplant or visitor to our state. There are the obvious ones like pronouncing Mackinac as "Mackinack" rather than "Mackinaw", not understanding the Mitten Map when you point out a place on your hand, or calling Meijer "Meijers". These are common ones, but what are some other ways that really call out someone?


Photo by Luis Quintero on Unsplash
Photo by Luis Quintero on Unsplash


Recently, I took to the r/Michigan subreddit to get some opinions on what other Michiganders have picked up on that makes them raise their eyebrows. In less than 24 hours, there were more than 1,500 comments calling people out on the various ways they can tell a person isn't a local. These were the most common answers people gave.

10 Ways To Know Someone Isn't From Michigan

Every state has its local oddities, and Michigan is no different. If you are from here, there are some pretty easy traps a visitor or someone who has moved here can fall into that will expose them. Here are ten of those locally understood moments.

Gallery Credit: Tommy McNeill

Grand Rapids' Busiest Resturants

Each month, OpenTable releases a list of the most highly reviewed restaurants in each city. This month's list, updated as of June 5th, features some Grand Rapids staples as well as some you may not have heard of. If you're looking to try some great food at a new place, these are the places to consider.

Gallery Credit: Tommy McNeill