Battle Creek Police To Host Trunk or Treat
Halloween was a different ballgame 60 years ago when I was a kid, trudging through the neighborhoods of Galesburg, carrying a pillowcase to haul my increasing stash of treats. The pillowcase had two advantages for collecting goodies. First of all, the bottom wouldn’t fall out after wandering for blocks in foul weather, and most importantly, it wouldn’t easily tear if the neighborhood bullies attempted to rip it from your grasp. Yes, we had the ruffians during those wonder years, searching the streets for the weak. The streetwise kids just learned to keep their eyes open and avoid them using well-learned ploys.
Once home, the veteran treat scrounger would dump the bag, organize the haul according to favorites, and in the process, look for mysterious pinpricks or slash marks that could harbor the potential pins and razor blades that we were warned about each Halloween season. I never heard of any incidents of candy sabotage in our neighborhoods, but it was a potential threat.

The Battle Creek Police Department is offering a safer alternative to roaming the Cereal City streets. They are loading up with plenty of treats for their annual "Trunk or Treat" event that takes place on Halloween night. Volunteers will be handing out the treats in the parking lot in front of C.O. Brown Stadium near the Eaton Street entrance. Bailey Park is located at 1392 Capital Avenue NE, and all park entrances and exits will be open. This free event is open to the public from 5 to 7 PM and is a great chance to gather safe treats at Bailey Park. The City of Battle Creek would like to remind Trick or Treaters to use flashlights or reflective clothing after dark, and only visit homes with outdoor lights on.