Ohio Pizza Chain Now Serving Pumpkin Spice Pizza
Has Ohio taken this Pumpkin Spice trend too far?
The Pumpkin Spice craze can be blamed on Starbucks dating back to 2003, however, Pumpkin Spice in hot drinks goes back to the 90s according to CorpCofe.com,
It can really be attributed to coffee lovers in the late 1990s when the hot new beverage of cafes became a pumpkin spice flavored coffee, and the craze spread like wildfire across America in 2003 with the introduction of Starbuck’s Pumpkin Spice Latte.

During late Summer through early Fall, the United States of America is just as divided by Pumpkin Spice as they are by politics. Pumpkin Spice lattes have now spread like COVID-19 to bread, cookies, and even shampoos.
Just when we think it can't get more pumpkin spicy up in here, Ohio says, "Hold my gourd." According to 614Now.com, Cincinnati-based Dewey's Pizza has taken the Pumpkin Spice crazy to the next level,
Dewey’s released both their annual Harvest Salad, in addition to the new Smashing Pumpkin Pizza. The pizza will be available through Halloween, and the Harvest Salad will remain on the menu until the end of the year.
You read that correctly, 'Smashing Pumpkin Pizza." Here is how Dewey's Pizza described this pie in a recent press release,
We’ve been perfecting this recipe for over a year. The unique flavor of the base brings balanced undertones of sage and honey alongside the star ingredient, pumpkin.
What do you think? Is this too far or do you want to try some? Let us know in the social media comments. The only things I'll eat from Ohio will be Skyline Chili and Buckeyes. The candy, not the college mascot.