This adorable, treat-driven, playful pup could be the perfect addition to your family.

After having 2 pitbulls that lived with me for 10 years, pass away within 3 weeks of each other, I can tell you that the love these rescue babies give you is unmeasurable.  That's why I want to introduce you to Bear.  Here's what Katie Timber from the SPCA of Southwest Michigan had to say about this adorable baby,

He's a 5-year-old male large breed who has been with us for 6 months. Bear is full of love and treats are a surefire way to his heart. Walks and playtime are his joy, Bear would love to be your solo companion on these adventures.

Check out other adorable dogs and cats that we have recently featured for "Dog Days" by clicking the button below.

Dog Days Pet of the Week

  • Name: Bear
  • Age: 5 years and 7 months
  • Weight: 62 pounds
  • Breed: Mixed
  • Shots: Completed
  • Available for Adoption: YES

Click here to get more info on Bear.

SPCA of Southwest Michigan
SPCA of Southwest Michigan
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Click here to check out other dogs available for adoption.  Click here for available cats.

Help the SPCA of Southwest Michigan get these adorable dogs and cats the food and medical treatment they need you can click here to donate.  You can also help out by volunteering your time to the SPCA of Southwest Michigan.  Get more info by clicking here.

It absolutely breaks my heart that the dogs below, especially Swayze, have been waiting for so long to find their forever homes.  Maybe you could go to the SPCA of Southwest Michigan and meet them in person.

5 Dogs That Have Been at the SPCA of SW Michigan for 1 to 3 Years

These dogs are kind, caring, and cuddly. And, yet, they've been unable to find a home for years. Let's change that today.

Gallery Credit: SPCA of SW Michigan

See Drake's New For All the Dogs Merch