Regional speak is something I've had to adjust to a few times in my life as I move around. I went from a non-regional dialect in the Great Plains, to southern drawls and mannerisms in The South. And now, I'm still trying to get the hang of some of the Midwest speak I hear in Michigan.

But, there are several phrases I've picked up on that will 100% out you as someone who not only LIVES in Michigan, but likely has lived here your whole life.

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Now, some of these phrases might not be exact, but they're in the general ballpark. I can't tell you a single person who has said the phrase, "Let me show you on my hand," but they will still do so without hesitating to show you where they live.

And of course, some "Trolls" can't relate to some of the Yooper speak, either.

BUT, guarantee, if you understand, or use at least half of these expressions, you're easily a Pure Michigander.

"It's Not Soda, it's Pop"

I can't tell you how many people have said this to me since moving here. I think I called soft drinks "pop" for the first 5-10 years of my life, but made the move to "soda" as I grew into adulthood. But not around these parts. Michiganders stick to that crisp "pop" sound when they want a Faygo or Vernor's. Speaking of which...


"I don't feel so good. Get me a Vernor's"

Yep, it's like the magic elixir that solves everything. Got a cold? Drink a Vernor's. Flu? Drink a Vernor's. Broken leg? Go to the Emergency Room, but ask for a Vernor's while you're waiting to see the doctor in your room. At the very least, it'll make you FEEL better, if it doesn't ACTUALLY make you better.

"Up North is the Best Place on Earth"

Michiganders have trouble agreeing on exactly where "up north" begins, but by God, they do love it "up there." It's like hearing someone from New York tell you they're going "up state." Similar in Michigan, except in this case, you're leaving the highways and commerce of southern Michigan's cities, for the wilderness, and travel destinations toward the Mackinac Bridge and the U.P. And since we mentioned it...

Mackinac Bridge
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

"The Mackinac Bridge is the Gateway to Paradise"

Even if people in Michigan have never been over the bridge, they'll say this. Mostly us Trolls below the bridge, as the Yoopers believe they're already living in Paradise. But it is true, crossing the Mackinac literally takes you to a completely different world in terms of landscape and culture. It's amazing it's still part of this state, to be honest.

"Let me Show you on my Hand"

This one is more of a visual clue. I can't recall anyone actually saying this phrase to me, but they won't hesitate to show you where they're from, or where you're going by pointing on their hand. It gets interesting, though, when they're from places like Iron River, or Presque Isle in the U.P.

"Detroit-style Pizza is Where It's At"

I gotta be honest... I tend to agree. Before I moved to Michigan, I'd only had facsimiles of a Detroit-style pizza, but not the real deal. There is something about using the right ingredients, and being just a short drive from the Motor City that makes it taste better. And while I love me a good, foldy slice of New York-style, or even the deep casserole-style from Chicago... Detroit Pizza is easily the best regional style.


"Winter is Coming, you Got your Yooper Scooper?"

This one more relates to the Yoopers, as they're referring to a snow shovel, likely a heavy-duty model that could withstand 10x the force of any standard shovel. But, there are some who live in the Lake-Effect Snow zones of the western Lower Peninsula who still know exactly what this means.

"Our Coney Dogs are the Real Deal"

Yeah, don't talk to a Michigander about "Coney Island" in New York, and expect them to ignore the fact that the Coney Dog was actually invented in Michigan. They can have their amusement park, but we're keeping the iconic dogs for ourselves.


"Unsalted and Shark Free"

This is literally on merchandise around the Great Lakes in Michigan, which was confusing when I wore it down on the Gulf Coast this summer for vacation. But Michiganders are proud of their Great Lakes, and the fact that the only thing in there trying to kill you... is the water itself. Also, the ice, but that's only for like half the year.

"The Lions are Gonna Do It This Year"

And you know what... for the first time ever, it's actually possible.

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