Big news for the city of Coldwater came recently as the former Corona Smoke Shop which, was in business from 2018 until March of 2020, has closed and will now be the sight of a new Billiard hall. The new owners took to Facebook to make the announcement:
The Wilbur’s Furniture building at the corner of West Chicago and Monroe has been purchased. Jim Brauker of Coldwater said on his Facebook page that he closed on the buildings last week with his Real Estate agent and sister Robin Brauker Walling. Brauker has also purchased ten Diamond pool tables from Seybert’s Billiard Supply. He says they will be delivered in March and they hope to be opening up Jim’s Place for pool in the spring of 2022.

The smoke shop was unable to stay in business during the pandemic and closed earlier this year in April, however, the new business will add as a get-together spot for Coldwater. The Wilbur’s Furniture store closed in the fall of 2018 when the owners retired. Before that, Wilber’s had been in business for 101 years. One of the longest-running businesses in the area, the new owners may just pay homage to the original store, but no doubt with the addition of ten Diamond pool tables this new spot will draw a lot of people in.
Many people are happy that another smoke shop or dispensary didn't end up signing a new lease with the building owners. It's always intimidating starting a new business, especially during a pandemic, but people are getting the itch to get out more, so this should add some excitement to Coldwater,
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