The Kalamazoo City Clerk's office is shifting its business hours this Thursday (Oct.. 27th and next Thursday (November 3rd)  to make absentee voting a little easier.

Phto By: joebelanger/ThinkStock

The shift in hours will be to Noon to 8pm. both those days. Along with that, the City Clerk's offices will be open Saturday, November 5th from 8am to 2pm.

The reason this is being done is to accommodate those who need to cast an absentee ballot but may not be able to make the the City Clerk's office during business hours.

If you're registered to vote in the city of Kalamazoo, you can vote absentee under these conditions:

  • Voters who are over 60 years old
  • Voters who expect to absent from the community
  • Voters who are physically unable to attend the polls
  • Voters who cannot attend the polls due to the tenets of their religion
  • Voters who are assigned as election inspectors in precincts other than where they reside

Monday, November 7th is final day to vote absentee.

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