We recently heard about the $66M re-investment plan Downtown Kalamazoo will be getting over the course of the next few decades, and it will be interesting to see the economic changes that will bring the city of Kalamazoo. Strangly enough, Kalamazoo city is one of the poorest in the entire county, only bringing in slightly more income than Galesburg. Recently the Cloud Database took a pool for you find out which cities in every county bring in the most money for their household.

The following are the top 5 richest and poorest townships in Kalamazoo County:

CountyCity/townshipMedian household incomeDescendingHousehold median, margin of errorMedian family incomeFamily median, margin of error
KalamazooTexas township$109,385$8,585$117,395$9,380
KalamazooPrairie Ronde township$81,797$10,092$88,523$3,401
KalamazooRichland township$80,394$6,740$93,352$11,882
KalamazooAlamo township$71,313$3,810$74,853$10,405
KalamazooRoss township$71,190$5,643$83,170$9,246


CountyCity/townshipMedian household incomeDescendingHousehold median, margin of errorMedian family incomeFamily median, margin of error
KalamazooKalamazoo township$48,670$2,835$58,037$3,938
KalamazooOshtemo township$43,829$3,486$63,936$5,353
KalamazooParchment city$43,493$3,719$48,068$8,962
KalamazooKalamazoo city$37,438$1,414$51,393$2,262
KalamazooGalesburg city$32,222$5,013$35,398$9,922

Let's hope we can get our numbers back up in Kalamazoo City!

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