Lake Michigan College Offering Free 3D Ultrasounds To Expecting Parents
Something really cool was started at Lake Michigan College for parents who are expecting a new child in 2021. The college is offering FREE 3D ultrasounds for anyone who wants to sign up on their website. Recently they made the announcement on their Facebook page, saying: "LMC is looking for pregnant volunteers to help our Sonography students learn and practice. Scanning takes place at the Benton Harbor campus."
Currently, as expected, they're receiving a high amount of requests for getting one of these ultrasounds, but they've established a call back system to get everyone interested in line. It's very helpful because not only do you get a 3D look at your new loved one, but the sonography students get first hand training to prepare them for their careers.
Expecting mothers who sign up can plan for at least 1 hour for the scan. Students will be scanning using 3D/4D ultrasound technology. Scans take place in one of the three high-tech ultrasound rooms available in their Imaging lab. The college asks that you please understand: These are program students; while they are under the direction of professional Sonographers and program faculty, they are still learning! Your participation will help them become amazing professionals in the industry!"
Any other questions or inquires you have can be viewed on their website. Lake Michigan College is located on the Benton Harbor Campus at 2755 E. Napier Avenue, Benton Harbor, MI 49022. The site also shows the current schedule they're making appointments for. The latest date available is on April 21st.

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