Lebron James Does Surprise Visit To School In Ohio
Imagine sitting in class not knowing that one of your favorite celebrities of all time is going to walk through the door. Now imagine taking this feeling just a step further and this isn't just any celebrity but one of your idols, someone you look up to and aspire to be like. Some kids in Ohio last week had this exact scenario come true as they had one of the best and most known basketball players in the world, Lebron James pop up at their school.
Not to be misleading, this isn't just some random school in Ohio, and it's not even his Alma Mater, Saint Vincent-Saint Mary's, but instead is a project of his own. As many of us know, in 2018, Lebron James opened up the I Promise school for underprivileged and at risk youth in his hometown of Akron, Ohio. This school also gave the opportunity for their parents to receive a high school education as well. Graduates also have the opportunity for free tuition at the University of Akron or 4 years of free tuition and 1 year of complementary housing at Kent State University.

Last Thursday, teachers got their students all excited and railed up for one of the biggest surprises they would receive all school year. No, it wasn't any kind of pizza party, candy, or anything else that was edible, but they all couldn't believe it. These kids all grow up knowing that the school they attend is paid for by a foundation run by NBA superstar Lebron James, what they didn't know was that he was going to walk into their classroom and it was all caught on video.
Teaches got their students to students to clap their hands, beat on tables, and chant Lebron's name as he was unknowingly sitting in the hallway outside of their classroom. In the video below you can see multiple students go crazy as the huge 6'8 frame and huge smile walk through their classroom door. Students were screaming, jumping up and down, shaking their heads, and banging on tables.
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