Made in Michigan Used in the Winter Olympics
Interesting tidbit of information. Did you know that the snow used at the 2018 Winter Olympics was created right here in Midland Michigan?
Mlive is reporting on a company named Snow Makers Inc., based in Midland Michigan. The company’s website states that it manufactured the snow for the Jeongseon Alpine Center.
The Company reported that it has supplied the 2018 Winter Olympic games with more than 160 fans, 130 Super and Kid PoleCats and 30 Super Wizzards “making us the largest snowmaking provider for the Olympics again!"
Congrats Snow Makers and your welcome South Korea and the world.
By the way this is not the first Olympic games the company has supplied the snow making machines. They started with the 1984 Winter Olympics from Sarajevo, Yugoslavia and then provided snow and equipment for the 1988, 1998, 2002, 2010, 2014 Winter Olympics.