These Michigan Cities Have Given Their Names to Cars
Michigan has a rich heritage and a love affair with cars; we invented them! These Michigan towns all have names associated with the automobile industry.
Since the fade of the fur trade, the state of Michigan was built on the auto industry, Its roots run deep in this part of the rust belt. So deep, in fact, that the names of many of our cities, towns and villages are or have become interchangeable with names of cars. In some cases, like the first two, cities were named before the autos- they all tie together in Michigan history.
These are the automobile-inspired names of Michigan cities
That's all we've got for now until they make the Mazda Gaylord or the Ford Homer. Wait, wasn't the Chevy Novi a thing? Did we miss any? Tell us in the comments below.
h/t Michigan History, Past, Present And Future Facebook group
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