Michigan Girl One of First College Athletes to Get Paid
Finally last week the road was cleared by the NCAA to allow college athletes to make money off their likeness, image, and their name. With the door now wide open, the possibilities are endless for these athletes moving forward, and leading the way just happens to be a young woman from right here in Michigan.

According to Mlive, 19 year old Chloe Mitchell may actually be one of the very first, if not the first, to cash in on her athletic success. Mitchell, who was a All-State setter at Western Michigan Christian High School, plays soccer for Aquinas College near Grand Rapids. She is something of a social media influences with more than 2.6 million followers on her accounts, and is about to cash in on that fame.
The college student was already making a name, and a little cash, from her social media after she started off with just some DIY projects on her Tik Tok. When working on a shed project she literally went from 32 followers when she started almost 2 million by the eighth day.
Once the way was cleared for Mitchell to let it be known she was in fact a college athlete, and the NCAA was on board, she started taking things to a new level. She signed her first deal with Smart Cups. Although her Instagram followers have grown she has about 2.6 million followers on TikTok, which will allow her to generate as much as $20,000 for a sponsored post.
Her father has also taken note of the potential available with the new changes for NCAA athletes. He has joined his daughter in forming a company called PlayBooked, The company is meant to pair college athletes with brands. Since the "ok" was given, the site has been filled with athletes looking to strike gold just like Chloe Mitchell has.
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