Michigan Girl Scouts Selling Cookies Outside of Dispensaries
A genius idea started with huge sales but ended with a Girl Scouts troop getting in hot water.
Sometimes selling cookies can be just like real estate. Location, location, location. For example, Oakland County Girl Scouts took their delicious cookies to a place that they knew they could count on a large group of people that would soon have a big case of the munchies. Specifically, the parking lot of the Green House of Walled Lake Cannabis store in Detroit.

The girls were wildly successful selling over 1,000 boxes in 6 hours. After that huge day of sales other Girl Scout groups decided to do the same until the Girls Scouts of Southeastern Michigan's council found out and put a stop to it. Jerry Millen, the owner for the Green House of Walled Lake Cannabis store was appalled by this and released a statement obtained by dailymail.co.uk,
I am incredibly disappointed that the powers that be who make up Girl Scouts of the USA are dumping cold water on the entrepreneurial spirit of these young ladies.
It turns out Girl Scouts are allowed to sell their cookies outside of a liquor store. So, why not a marijuana dispensary? Then another development popped up after the Detroit Free Press reached out to the Girl Scouts of Southeastern Michigan's chief marketing officer Yavonkia Jenkins,
Girl Scouts does not have a policy that prohibits troops from selling outside of or inside of legally operating businesses.
Now the owner of of the dispensary wants to get in contact with the Girl Scouts of America to help them by selling a potential 1,500 boxes of cookies a day.
What do you think about the Girl Scouts selling cookies at a dispensary? Do you think it's brilliant or crosses a line?